Publications Arne Traulsen

  • Recent preprints

    1. R. Zapién-Campos, F. Bansept and A. Traulsen
      Inferring interactions from microbiome data
      bioRxiv (2023) |
    2. N. Sharma, S. G. Das, J. Krug and A. Traulsen
      Graph-structured populations elucidate the role of deleterious mutations in long-term evolution
      bioRxiv (2024) |
  • 2025

    1. A. Traulsen, M. Rasmussen, J. Krug and A. Beyer
      On the misuse of evolutionary theory to bolster the 'scientific' case for intelligent design: A cautionary note
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 596, 111985 (2025) |
  • 2024

    1. E. Mallmin, A. Traulsen and S. De Monte
      Chaotic turnover of rare and abundant species in a strongly interacting model community
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, e2312822121 (2024) |
    2. J. Zimmermann, A. Piecyk, M. Sieber, C. Petersen, J. Johnke, L. Moitinho-Silva, S. Kuenzel, L. Bluhm, A. Traulsen, C. Kaleta and H. Schulenburg
      Gut-associated functions are favored during microbiome assembly across a major part of C. elegans life
      mBio 15, e00012-24 (2024)
    3. M. Raatz, A. de Azevedo-Lopes, K. Drabik, A. Traulsen and B. Waclaw
      Pathogen non-planktonic phases within the urinary tract impact early infection and resistance evolution
      The ISME Journal 18, wrae191 (2024) |
    4. S. Giaimo and A. Traulsen
      Juvenile mortality and sibling replacement: a kin selection approach
      Evolution Letters 8, 647-657 (2024) |
    5. J. F. Baines, C. D. Baldus, F. Bertels, M. Brüggemann, C. Kaleta, M. Laudes, F. J. Mueller, L. Odenthal-Hesse, M. Poyet, P. B. Rainey, P. Rosenstiel, A. Scheffold, S. Sebens, J. Thiery and A. Traulsen
      Advancing evolutionary medicine in Northern Germany: Collaboration between Kiel University’s Medical Faculty and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
      Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 12, 117-121 (2024) |
    6. J. Garcia and A. Traulsen
      Picking strategies in problems of cooperation
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , in press (2024) |
  • 2023

    1. C. M. Saad-Roy and A. Traulsen
      Dynamics in a behavioral-epidemiological model for individual adherence to a nonpharmaceutical intervention
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2311584120 (2023) |
    2. S. Shah, L. M. Philipp, S. Giaimo, S. Sebens, A. Traulsen and M. Raatz
      Understanding and leveraging phenotypic plasticity during metastasis formation
      npj Systems Biology and Applications 9, 48 (2023) |
    3. N. Sharma, S. Yagoobi and A. Traulsen
      Self-loops in Evolutionary Graph Theory: Friends or Foes?
      PLoS Computational Biology 19, e1011387 (2023) |
    4. A. Traulsen, S. A. Levin and C. M. Saad-Roy
      Individual costs and societal benefits of interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2303546120 (2023) |
    5. M. Raatz and A. Traulsen
      Promoting extinction or minimizing growth? The impact of treatment on trait trajectories in evolving populations
      Evolution 77, 1408-1421 (2023) |
    6. S. Giaimo and A. Traulsen
      Generation time in stage-structured populations under fluctuating environments
      The American Naturalist 201, 404-417 (2023) |
    7. S. Yagoobi, N. Sharma and A. Traulsen
      Categorizing update mechanisms for graph-structured metapopulations
      Journal of the Royal Society Interface 20, 20220769 (2023) |
    8. M. A. Ramirez, M. Smerlak, A. Traulsen and J. Jost
      Diversity enables the jump towards cooperation for the Traveler's Dilemma
      Scientific Reports 13, 1441 (2023) |
    9. A. Traulsen and N. Glynatsi
      The future of theoretical evolutionary game theory
      Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378, 20210508 (2023) |
    10. N. Obeng, A. Czerwinski, D. Schütz, J. Michels, J. Leipert, F. Bansept, M. J. García García, T. Schultheiss, M. Kemlein, J. Fuß, A. Tholey, A. Traulsen, H. Sondermann and H. Schulenburg
      Bacterial c-di-GMP has a key role in establishing host–microbe symbiosis
      Nature Microbiology 8, 1809–1819 (2023) |
  • 2022

    1. R. Zapién-Campos, F. Bansept, M. Sieber and A. Traulsen
      On the effect of inheritance of microbes in commensal microbiomes
      BMC Ecology and Evolution 22 (2022) |
    2. Y. Gao, Y. Pichugin, C. S. Gokhale and A. Traulsen
      Evolution of reproductive strategies in incipient multicellularity
      Journal of The Royal Society Interface 19 (2022) |
    3. F. Geoffroy, A. Traulsen and H. Uecker
      Vaccination strategies when vaccines are scarce: on conflicts between reducing the burden and avoiding the evolution of escape mutants
      Journal of The Royal Society Interface 19 (2022) |
    4. G. Lobinska, A. Pauzner, A. Traulsen, Y. Pilpel and M. A. Nowak
      Evolution of resistance to COVID-19 vaccination with dynamic social distancing
      Nature Human Behaviour 6, 193-206 (2022) |
    5. Y. Pichugin and A. Traulsen
      The possible modes of microbial reproduction are fundamentally restricted by distribution of mass between parent and offspring
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2122197119 (2022) |
    6. A. Traulsen, C. S. Gokhale, S. Shah and H. Uecker
      The Covid-19 pandemic: Basic insights from basic mathematical models
      Nova Acta Leopoldina 2022 (2022) |
    7. R. Zapién-Campos, M. Sieber and A. Traulsen
      The effect of microbial selection on the occurrence-abundance patterns of microbiomes
      Journal of The Royal Society Interface 19, 20210717 (2022) |
    8. S. Giaimo and A. Traulsen
      The selection force weakens with age because ageing evolves and not vice versa
      Nature Communications 13, 686 (2022) |
    9. N. Sharma and A. Traulsen
      Suppressors of fixation can increase average fitness beyond amplifiers of selection
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2205424119 (2022) |
    10. V. Ress, A. Traulsen and Y. Pichugin
      Eco-evolutionary dynamics of clonal multicellular life cycles
      Elife 11, e78822 (2022) |
    11. A. K. Fahimipour, F. Zeng, M. Homer, A. Traulsen, S. A. Levin and T. Gross
      Sharp thresholds limit the benefit of defector avoidance in cooperation on networks
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2120120119 (2022) |
    12. S. Giaimo and A. Traulsen
      Age-specific sensitivity analysis of transient, stable and stochastic growth for stage-classified populations
      Ecology and Evolution 12, e9561 (2022) |
    13. V. Ress, A. Traulsen and Y. Pichugin
      Eco-evolutionary dynamics of clonal multicellular life cycles
      Elife 11, e78822 (2022)
  • 2021

    1. P. Czuppon and A. Traulsen
      Understanding evolutionary and ecological dynamics using a continuum limit
      Ecology and Evolution 11, 5857-5873 (2021) |
    2. M. Raatz, S. Shah, G. Chitadze, M. Brüggemann and A. Traulsen
      The impact of phenotypic heterogeneity of tumour cells on treatment and relapse dynamics
      PLoS Computational Biology 17, e1008702 (2021) |
    3. M. Sieber, A. Traulsen, H. Schulenburg and A. E. Douglas
      On the evolutionary origins of host-microbe associations
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2016487118 (2021) |
    4. S. Yagoobi and A. Traulsen
      Fixation probabilities in network structured meta-populations
      Scientific Reports 11, 1-9 (2021) |
    5. J. W. Lightfood, M. Dardiry, A. Kalirad, S. Giaimo, G. Eberhard, H. Witte, M. Wilecki, C. Roedelsperger, A. Traulsen and R. J. Sommer
      Sex or cannibalism: Polyphenism and kin recognition control social action strategies in nematodes
      Science Advances 7, 35 (2021) |
    6. F. Bansept, N. Obeng, H. Schulenburg and A. Traulsen
      Modeling host-associating microbes under selection
      The ISME Journal , 1-9 (2021) |
    7. N. Obeng, F. Bansept, M. Sieber, A. Traulsen and H. Schulenburg
      Evolution of microbiota-host associations: the microbe's perspective
      Trends in Microbiology 29, 779-787 (2021)
    8. S. Giaimo and A. Traulsen
      Applying symmetries of elasticities in matrix population models
      Theoretical Ecology 14, 359-366 (2021) |
    9. A. Traulsen and M. Sieber
      Evolutionary ecology theory — microbial population structure
      Current Opinion in Microbiology 63, 216-220 (2021)
    10. Y. Gao, H. J. Park, A. Traulsen and Y. Pichugin
      Evolution of irreversible somatic differentiation
      eLife 10, e66711 (2021)
  • 2020

    1. H. Schenk, H. Schulenburg and A. Traulsen
      How long do Red Queen dynamics survive under genetic drift? A comparative analysis of evolutionary and eco-evolutionary models
      BMC Evolutionary Biology 20, (2020) |
    2. R. Zapién-Campos, M. Sieber and A. Traulsen
      Stochastic colonization of hosts with a finite lifespan can drive individual host microbes out of equilibrium
      PLoS Computational Biology 16, e1008392 (2020) |
    3. H. J. Park, Y. Pichugin and A. Traulsen
      Why is cyclic dominance so rare?
      eLife 9, 10.7554/eLife.57857 (2020)
    4. Y. Pichugin and A. Traulsen
      Evolution of multicellular life cycles under costly fragmentation
      PLOS Computational Biology 16, e1008406 (2020) |
    5. L. Opasic, J. G. Scott, A. Traulsen and C. Fortmann-Grote
      CancerSim: A Cancer Simulation Package for Python 3
      Journal of Open Source Software 5, 2436 (2020)
    6. C. Roecken, A. Amallraja, C. Halske, L. Opasic, A. Traulsen, H. M. Behrens, S. Krueger, A. Lui, J. Haag, J. H. Egberts, P. Rosenstiel and T. Meissner
      Multiscale heterogeneity in gastric adenocarcinoma evolution is an obstacle to precision medicine
      Genome Medicine 13, 177 (2020) |
  • 2019

    1. H. J. Park, Y. Pichugin, W. Huang and A. Traulsen
      Population size changes and extinction risk of populations driven by mutant interactors
      Phys. Rev. E 99, 022305 (2019) |
    2. Y. Gao, A. Traulsen and Y. Pichugin
      Interacting cells driving the evolution of multicellular life cycles
      PLoS Computational Biology 15, e1006987 (2019) |
    3. M. Sieber, L. Pita, N. Weiland-Brauer, P. Dirksen, J. Wang, B. Mortzfeld, S. Franzenburg, R. A. Schmitz, J. F. Baines, S. Fraune, U. Hentschel, H. Schulenburg, T. C. G. Bosch and A. Traulsen
      Neutrality in the Metaorganism
      PLoS Biology 17, e3000298 (2019) |
    4. Y. Pichugin, H. J. Park and A. Traulsen
      Evolution of simple multicellular life cycles in dynamic environments
      Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16, 154 (2019) |
    5. M. Möller, L. Hindersin and A. Traulsen
      Exploring and mapping the universe of evolutionary graphs identifies structural properties affecting fixation probability and time
      Communications Biology 2 (2019) |
    6. L. Opasic, D. Zhou, B. Werner, D. Dingli and A. Traulsen
      How many samples are needed to infer truly clonal mutations from heterogenous tumours?
      BMC Cancer 19, 403 (2019) |
    7. L. Hindersin, B. Wu, A. Traulsen and J. Garcia
      Computation and Simulation of Evolutionary Game Dynamics in Finite Populations
      Scientific Reports 9 (2019) |
    8. S. Giaimo and A. Traulsen
      Generation time measures the trade-off between survival and reproduction in a life cycle
      The American Naturalist 194, 285-290 (2019) |
    9. H. Schaefer, A. Traulsen and S. Sebens
      Killer on the road?—cells from pancreatic preneoplastic lesions disseminate through pancreatic ducts on their way to cancer
      HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition , doi: 10.21037/hbsn.2019.06.03 (2019)
    10. J. Garcia and A. Traulsen
      Evolution of coordinated punishment to enforce cooperation from an unbiased strategy space
      Interface 16, 156 (2019) |
    11. D. Zhou, Y. Luo, D. Dingli and A. Traulsen
      The invasion of de-differentiating cancer cells into hierarchical tissues
      PLoS Computational Biology 15, e1007167 (2019)
  • 2018

    1. S. Giaimo, X. Y. Li, A. Traulsen and A. Baudisch
      From stable coexistence to demographic heterogeneity
      Demographic Research 38, 197-226 (2018) |
    2. T. Janzen, A. Nolte and A. Traulsen
      The breakdown of genomic ancestry blocks in hybrid lineages given a finite number of recombination sites
      Evolution 72, 735-750 (2018) |
    3. M. A. Boettcher, J. Held-Feindt, M. Synowitz, R. Lucius, A. Traulsen and K. Hattermann
      Modeling treatment-dependent glioma growth respecting a dormant cell subpopulation
      BMC Cancer 18, 376 (2018) |
    4. M. Abou Chakra, S. Bumann, H. Schenk, A. Oschlies and A. Traulsen
      Immediate action is the best strategy when facing uncertain climate change
      Nature Communications 9, 2566 (2018) |
    5. P. Czuppon and A. Traulsen
      Fixation probabilities in populations under demographic fluctuations
      Journal of Mathematical Biology 77, 1233-1277 (2018) |
    6. M. Boettcher, D. Dingli, B. Werner and A. Traulsen
      Replicative cellular age distributions in compartmentalised tissues
      Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15 (2018) |
    7. R. Roemhild, C. S. Gokhale, P. Dirksen, C. Blake, P. Rosenstiel, A. Traulsen, D. I. Andersson and H. Schulenburg
      Cellular hysteresis as a novel principle to maximize the efficacy of antibiotic therapy
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, 9767-9772 (2018) |
    8. S. Giaimo, J. Arranz and A. Traulsen
      Invasion and effective size of graph-structured populations
      PLoS Computational Biology 14, e1006559 (2018) |
    9. A. Traulsen
      Die Evolution und der Zusammenbruch von Kooperation: Wie Einzelne das Gemeinwohl gefährden können
      in Rationale Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit, edited by Fleischer, B. and Lauterbach, R. and Pawlik, K. (2018) |
  • 2017

    1. P. M. Altrock, A. Traulsen and M. A. Nowak
      Evolutionary games on cycle graphs under strong selection
      Physical Review E 95, 022407 (2017) |
    2. F. Bertels, C. S. Gokhale and A. Traulsen
      Discovering complete quasispecies in bacterial genomes
      Genetics 206, 4 2149-2157 (2017) |
    3. D. W. Rogers, M. A. Böttcher, A. Traulsen and D. Greig
      Ribosome reinitiation can explain length-dependent translation of messenger RNA
      PLoS Computational Biology 13, e1005592 (2017) |
    4. B. Werner, A. Traulsen, A. Sottoriva and D. Dingli
      Detecting truly clonal alterations from multi-region profiling of tumours
      Scientific Reports 7, 44991 (2017) |
    5. C. S. Gokhale, A. Traulsen and G. Joop
      Social dilemma in the external immune system of the red flour beetle? It is a matter of time
      Ecology and Evolution 7, 6758-6765 (2017) |
    6. H. J. Park and A. Traulsen
      Extinction dynamics from meta-stable coexistences
      Physical Review E 96, 042412 (2017) |
    7. M. Vallier, M. Abou Chakra, L. Hindersin, M. Linnenbrink, A. Traulsen and J. F. Baines
      Evaluating the maintenance of disease-associated variation at the blood group-related gene B4galnt2 in house mice
      BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 87 (2017) |
    8. X. Y. Li, T. Lachnit, S. Fraune, T. Bosch, A. Traulsen and M. Sieber
      Temperate phages as self-replicating weapons in bacterial competition
      Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14, 137 (2017) |
    9. W. Huang, A. Traulsen, B. Werner, T. Hiltunen and L. Becks
      Dynamical trade-offs arise from species coevolution and lower the species diversity
      Nature Communications 8, 2059 (2017) |
    10. Y. Pichugin, J. Peña, P. B. Rainey and A. Traulsen
      Fragmentation modes and the evolution of life cycles
      PLoS Computational Biology 13, e1005860 (2017) |
    11. H. Schenk, A. Traulsen and C. S. Gokhale
      Chaotic provinces in the kingdom of the Red Queen
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 431, 1-10 (2017) |
  • 2016

    1. K. Büttner, J. Krieter, A. Traulsen and I. Traulsen
      Epidemic spreading in an animal trade network - Comparison of distance-based and network-based control measures
      Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 63, 122-134 (2016) |
    2. K. Hagel, M. Abou Chakra, B. Bauer and A. Traulsen
      Which risk scenarios can drive the emergence of costly cooperation?
      Scientific Reports 6, 19269 (2016)
    3. J. Pena, B. Wu and A. Traulsen
      Ordering structured populations in multiplayer cooperation games
      Journal of the Royal Society Interface 13, 20150881 (2016) |
    4. A. Papkou, C. S. Gokhale, A. Traulsen and H. Schulenburg
      Host-parasite coevolution: why changing population size matters.
      Zoology 119, 330-338 (2016) |
    5. B. Werner, A. Traulsen and D. Dingli
      Ontogenic growth as the root of fundamental differences between childhood and adult cancer
      Stem Cells 34, 543-550 (2016) |
    6. X. Y. Li, S. Kurokawa, S. Giaimo and A. Traulsen
      How life history can sway the fixation probability of mutants
      Genetics 203, 1297-1313 (2016) |
    7. B. Werner, J. Scott, A. Sottoriva, A. R. Anderson, A. Traulsen and P. M. Altrock
      The cancer stem cell fraction in hierarchically organized tumors can be estimated using mathematical modeling and patient-specific treatment trajectories
      Cancer Research 76, 1705-1713 (2016) |
    8. B. Wu, J. Arranz, J. Du, D. Zhou and A. Traulsen
      Evolving synergetic interactions
      Journal of The Royal Society Interface 13, 20160282 (2016) |
    9. L. Hindersin, M. Moeller, A. Traulsen and B. Bauer
      Exact numerical calculation of fixation probability and time on graphs
      BioSystems 150, 87-91 (2016) |
    10. L. Hindersin, B. Werner, D. Dingli and A. Traulsen
      Should tissue structure suppress or amplify selection to minimize cancer risk?
      Biology Direct 11, 41 (2016) |
    11. M. Abou Chakra, C. Hilbe and A. Traulsen
      Coevolutionary interactions between Farmers and Mafia induce host acceptance of avian brood parasites
      Royal Society Open Science 3 (2016) |
    12. J. Peña, B. Wu, J. Arranz and A. Traulsen
      Evolutionary Games of Multiplayer Cooperation on Graphs
      PLoS Computational Biology 12, 1-15 (2016) |
    13. A. Traulsen
      Biological models in game theory (Book review of Game-Theoretical Models in Biology by Mark Broom and Jan Rychtar)
      Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 10, 472-474 (2016)
  • 2015

    1. B. Wu, B. Bauer, T. Galla and A. Traulsen
      Fitness-based models and pairwise comparison models of evolutionary games are typically different-even in unstructured populations
      New Journal of Physics 17, 023043 (2015) |
    2. C. Hilbe, B. Wu, A. Traulsen and M. A. Nowak
      Evolutionary performance of zero-determinant strategies in multiplayer games
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 374, 115-124 (2015) |
    3. X. Y. Li, C. Pietschke, S. Fraune, P. M. Altrock, T. C. Bosch and A. Traulsen
      Which games are growing bacterial populations playing?
      Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12, 20150121 (2015) |
    4. X. Y. Li, S. Giaimo, A. Baudisch and A. Traulsen
      Modeling evolutionary games in populations with demographic structure
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 280, 506-515 (2015) |
    5. S. M. Aukema, L. Theil, M. Rohde, B. Bauer, J. Bradtke, B. Burkhardt, B. R. Bonn, A. Claviez, S. Gattenlöhner, O. Makarova, I. Nagel, I. Oschlies, C. Pott, M. Szczepanowski, A. Traulsen, P. M. Kluin, W. K., R. Siebert and E. M. Murga Penas
      Sequential karyotyping in Burkitt lymphoma reveals a linear clonal evolution with increase in karyotype complexity and a high frequency of recurrent secondary aberrations
      British Journal of Haematology 170, 814-825 (2015) |
    6. W. Huang, C. Hauert and A. Traulsen
      Stochastic game dynamics under demographic fluctuations.
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, 9064-9069 (2015) |
    7. C. Hilbe, A. Traulsen and K. Sigmund
      Partners or rivals? Strategies for the iterated prisoner's dilemma
      Games and Economic Behavior 92, 41-52 (2015) |
    8. Y. Song, C. S. Gokhale, A. Papkou, H. Schulenburg and A. Traulsen
      Host-parasite coevolution in populations of constant and variable size.
      BMC Evolutionary Biology 15, 212 (2015) |
    9. L. Hindersin and A. Traulsen
      Most undirected random graphs are amplifiers of selection for Birth-death dynamics, but suppressors of selection for death-Birth dynamics
      PLoS Computational Biology 11, e1004437 (2015) |
    10. Y. Pichugin, C. S. Gokhale, J. Garcia, A. Traulsen and P. B. Rainey
      Modes of migration and multilevel selection in evolutionary multiplayer games
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 387, 144-153 (2015) |
    11. P. Ashcroft, A. Traulsen and T. Galla
      When the mean is not enough: Calculating fixation time distributions in birth-death processes
      Physical Review E 92, 042154 (2015) |
    12. B. Werner, F. Beier, S. Hummel, S. Balabanov, L. Lassay, T. Orlikowsky, D. Dingli, T. H. Brümmendorf and A. Traulsen
      Reconstructing the in vivo dynamics of hematopoietic stem cells from telomere length distributions
      eLife 4, e08687 (2015)
    13. J. Arranz and A. Traulsen
      Mathematical universality and direct applicability of evolutionary games: Comment on “Universal scaling for the dilemma strength in evolutionary games”, by Z. Wang et al.
      Physics of Life Reviews 24, 31-33 (2015) |
  • 2014

    1. C. Hilbe, A. Traulsen, T. Röhl and M. Milinski
      Democratic decisions establish stable authorities that overcome the paradox of second-order punishment
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111, 752-756 (2014) |
    2. C. Hilbe, B. Wu, A. Traulsen and M. A. Nowak
      Cooperation and control in multiplayer social dilemmas
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111, 16425-16430 (2014) |
    3. M. Abou Chakra and A. Traulsen
      Under high stakes and uncertainty the rich should lend the poor a helping hand
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 341, 123-130 (2014) |
    4. M. Abou Chakra, C. Hilbe and A. Traulsen
      Plastic behaviors in hosts promote the emergence of retaliatory parasites
      Scientific Reports 4, 4251 (2014) |
    5. O. Hauser, A. Traulsen and M. A. Nowak
      Heterogeneity in background fitness acts as a suppressor of selection
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 343, 178-185 (2014) |
    6. J. Grujic, C. Gracia-Lázaro, M. Milinski, D. Semmann, A. Traulsen, J. A. Cuesta, Y. Moreno and A. Sánchez
      A comparative analysis of spatial Prisoner's Dilemma experiments: Conditional cooperation and payoff irrelevance
      Scientific Reports 4, 4615 (2014) |
    7. S. Schoenmakers, C. Hilbe, B. Blasius and A. Traulsen
      Sanctions as honest signals - The evolution of pool punishment by public sanctioning institutions
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 356, 36-46 (2014) |
    8. B. Bauer, R. Siebert and A. Traulsen
      Cancer initiation with epistatic interactions between driver and passenger mutations
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 358, 52-60 (2014) |
    9. J. García, M. van Veelen and A. Traulsen
      Evil green beards: Tag recognition can also be used to withhold cooperation in structured populations
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 360, 181-186 (2014) |
    10. L. Hindersin and A. Traulsen
      Counterintuitive properties of the fixation time in network-structured populations
      Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11, 20140606 (2014) |
    11. B. Werner, R. E. Gallagher, E. M. Paietta, M. R. Litzow, M. S. Tallman, P. H. Wiernik, J. L. Slack, C. L. Willman, Z. Sun, A. Traulsen and D. Dingli
      Dynamics of leukemia stem-like cell extinction in acute promyelocytic leukemia
      Cancer Res 74, 5386-5396 (2014) |
    12. C. S. Gokhale and A. Traulsen
      Evolutionary multiplayer games
      Dynamic Games and Applications 4, 468-488 (2014) |
  • 2013

    1. A. Traulsen, T. Lenaerts, J. M. Pacheco and D. Dingli
      On the dynamics of neutral mutations in a mathematical model for a homogeneous stem cell population
      Journal of The Royal Society Interface 10, 20120810 (2013)
    2. S. Franzenburg, S. Fraune, P. M. Altrock, S. Kuenzel, J. F. Baines, A. Traulsen and T. C. G. Bosch
      Bacterial colonization of Hydra hatchlings follows a robust temporal pattern
      ISME Journal 7, 781-790 (2013)
    3. B. Wu, C. S. Gokhale, M. Van Veelen, L. Wang and A. Traulsen
      Interpretations arising from Wrightian and Malthusian fitness under strong frequency dependent selection
      Ecology and Evolution 3, 1276-1280 (2013) |
    4. B. Wu, A. Traulsen and C. S. Gokhale
      Dynamic properties of evolutionary multi-player games in finite populations
      Games 4, 182-199 (2013) |
    5. M. Frean, P. Rainey and A. Traulsen
      The effect of population structure on the rate of evolution
      Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280, 20130211 (2013) |
    6. B. Werner, D. Dingli and A. Traulsen
      A deterministic model for the occurrence and dynamics of multiple mutations in hierarchically organized tissues
      Journal of The Royal Society Interface 10, 0 (2013) |
    7. C. Hilbe, M. Abou Chakra, P. M. Altrock and A. Traulsen
      The evolution of strategic timing in collective-risk dilemmas
      PLoS One 6, e66490 (2013) |
    8. K. Büttner, J. Krieter, A. Traulsen and I. Traulsen
      Static network analysis of a pork supply chain in Northern Germany - Characterisation of the potential spread of infectious diseases via animal movements
      Preventive Veterinary Medicine 110, 418-428 (2013) |
    9. K. Büttner, J. Krieter, A. Traulsen and I. Traulsen
      Efficient Interruption of Infection Chains by Targeted Removal of Central Holdings in an Animal Trade Network
      PLoS One 8, e74292 (2013) |
    10. C. Hilbe, M. A. Nowak and A. Traulsen
      Adaptive dynamics of exortion and compliance
      PLoS One 8, e77886 (2013) |
    11. C. S. Gokhale, A. Papkou, A. Traulsen and H. Schulenburg
      Lotka-Volterra dynamics kills the Red Queen: population size fluctuations and associated stochasticity dramatically change host-parasite coevolution
      BMC Evolutionary Biology 13, 254 (2013) |
    12. B. Wu, J. García, C. Hauert and A. Traulsen
      Extrapolating weak selection in evolutionary games
      PLoS Computational Biology 9, e1003381 (2013) |
    13. A. Traulsen and J. Garcia
      Chromodynamics of accents?
      Current Anthropology 53, 608-609 (2013)
    14. A. Traulsen
      From Matter to self-Organizing Life (Book review of From Strange Simplicity to Complex Familiarity - A Treatise on Matter, Information, Life, and Thought by Manfred Eigen)
      Science 342, 39-40 (2013) |
  • 2012

    1. B. Allen, A. Traulsen, C. Tarnita and M. A. Nowak
      How mutation affects evolutionary games on graphs
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 299, 97-105 (2012)
    2. A. Traulsen and F. A. Reed
      From genes to games: Cooperation and cyclic dominance in meiotic drive
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 299, 120-125 (2012)
    3. T. A. Han, A. Traulsen and C. S. Gokhale
      On equilibrium properties of evolutionary multi-player games with random payoff matrices
      Theoretical Population Biology 81, 264-72 (2012)
    4. J. Jacquet, C. Hauert, A. Traulsen and M. Milinski
      Could shame and honor save cooperation?
      Communicative and Integrative Biology 5, 1-5 (2012) |
    5. A. Traulsen, J. C. Claussen and C. Hauert
      Stochastic differential equations for evolutionary dynamics with demographic noise and mutations
      Physical Review E 85, 041901 (2012) |
    6. B. Wu, C. S. Gokhale, L. Wang and A. Traulsen
      How small are small mutation rates?
      Journal of Mathematical Biology 64, 803-827 (2012)
    7. J. García and A. Traulsen
      The Structure of Mutations and the Evolution of Cooperation
      PLoS One 7, e35287 (2012)
    8. J. García and A. Traulsen
      Leaving the loners alone: Evolution of cooperation in the presence of antisocial punishment
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 307, 168-173 (2012)
    9. C. Hilbe and A. Traulsen
      Emergence of responsible sanctions without second order free riders, antisocial punishment or spite
      Nature Scientific Reports 2, 458 (2012) |
    10. W. Huang, B. Haubold, C. Hauert and A. Traulsen
      Emergence of stable polymorphism driven by evolutionary games between mutants
      Nature Communications 3, 919 (2012) |
    11. A. J. Black, A. Traulsen and T. Galla
      Mixing times in evolutionary games
      Physical Review Letters 109, 028101 (2012) |
    12. A. Traulsen, T. Röhl and M. Milinski
      An economic experiment reveals that humans prefer pool punishment to maintain the commons
      Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279, 3716-3721 (2012) |
    13. P. M. Altrock, A. Traulsen and T. Galla
      The mechanics of stochastic slowdown in evolutionary games
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 311, 94-106 (2012)
    14. M. Abou Chakra and A. Traulsen
      Evolutionary dynamics of strategic behavior in a collective-risk dilemma
      PLoS Computational Biology 8, e1002652 (2012)
    15. C. S. Gokhale and A. Traulsen
      Mutualism and evolutionary multiplayer games: revisiting the Red King
      Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279, 4611-4616 (2012)
    16. J. Grujic, T. Roehl, D. Semmann, M. Milinski and A. Traulsen
      Consistent strategy updating in a spatial and non-spatial behavioral experiment does not promote cooperation in social networks
      PLoS One 7, e47718 (2012)
    17. W. Huang, B. Werner and A. Traulsen
      The impact of random frequency-dependent mutations on the average population fitness
      BMC Evolutionary Biology 12, 160 (2012) |
    18. D. Dingli, A. Traulsen and J. M. Pacheco
      Hematopoietic stem cells and their dynamics
      in Stem cells - basics and applications, edited by Deb, K. and Totey, S. M. (2012)
    19. D. Dingli, A. Traulsen and J. M. Pacheco
      Evolutionary dynamics of Mutations in Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Beyond
      Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells 3 (2012)
    20. F. A. Reed, A. Traulsen and P. M. Altrock
      Brenner`s Online Encyclopedia of Genetics (2012)
  • 2011

    1. J. B. W. Wolf, A. Traulsen and R. James
      Exploring the link between genetic relatedness r and social contact structure k in animal social networks
      The American Naturalist 177, 135-142 (2011)
    2. K. Sigmund, C. Hauert, A. Traulsen and H. De Silva
      Social Control and the Social Contract: The Emergence of Sanctioning Systems for Collective Action
      Dynamic Games and Applications 1, 149-171 (2011)
    3. T. Lenaerts, F. Castagnetti, A. Traulsen, J. M. Pacheco, G. Rosti and D. Dingli
      Explaining the in vitro and in vivo differences in leukemia therapy
      Cell Cycle 10, 1540-1544 (2011)
    4. C. S. Gokhale and A. Traulsen
      Strategy abundance in evolutionary many-player games with multiple strategies
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 238, 180-191 (2011)
    5. P. M. Altrock, A. Traulsen and F. A. Reed
      Stability properties of underdominance in finite subdivided populations
      PLoS Computational Biology 7, e1002260 (2011) |
    6. B. Werner, D. Dingli, T. Lenaerts, J. M. Pacheco and A. Traulsen
      Dynamics of mutant cells in hierarchical organized tissues
      PLoS Computational Biology 7, e1002290 (2011) |
    7. J. Jacquet, C. Hauert, A. Traulsen and M. Milinski
      Shame and honour drive cooperation
      Biology Letters 7, 899-901 (2011) |
    8. B. Werner, D. Lutz, T. H. Brümmendorf, A. Traulsen and S. Balabanov
      Dynamics of resistance development to Imatinib under increasing selection pressure: A combination of mathematical models and in vitro data
      PLoS One 6, e28955 (2011) |
  • 2010

    1. A. Traulsen
      Mathematics of kin- and group-selection: formally equivalent?
      Evolution 64, 316-323 (2010) |
    2. W. Huang and A. Traulsen
      Fixation probabilities of random mutants under frequency dependent selection
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 263, 262-268 (2010)
    3. H. De Silva, C. Hauert, A. Traulsen and K. Sigmund
      Freedom, enforcement, and the social dilemma of strong altruism
      Journal of Evolutionary Economics 20, 203-217 (2010) |
    4. A. Traulsen, D. Semmann, R. D. Sommerfeld, H. J. Krambeck and M. Milinski
      Human strategy updating in evolutionary games
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107, 2962-2966 (2010) |
    5. C. S. Gokhale and A. Traulsen
      Evolutionary games in the multiverse
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107, 5500-5504 (2010) |
    6. A. Traulsen, J. M. Pacheco and D. Dingli
      Reproductive fitness advantage of BCR-ABL expressing leukemia cells
      Cancer Letters 294, 43-48 (2010)
    7. T. Lenaerts, J. M. Pacheco, A. Traulsen and D. Dingli
      Tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy can cure chronic myeloid leukemia without hitting leukemic stem cells
      Haematologica 95, 900-907 (2010) |
    8. D. Dingli, A. Traulsen, T. Lenaerts and J. M. Pacheco
      Evolutionary Dynamics of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
      Genes and Cancer 1, 309-315 (2010)
    9. B. Wu, D. Zhou, F. Fu, Q. Luo, L. Wang and A. Traulsen
      Evolution of cooperation on stochastical dynamical networks
      PLoS ONE 5, e11187 (2010)
    10. P. M. Altrock, C. S. Gokhale and A. Traulsen
      Stochastic slowdown in evolutionary processes
      Physical Review E 82, 011925 (2010) |
    11. K. Sigmund, H. De Silva, A. Traulsen and C. Hauert
      Social learning promotes institutions for governing the commons.
      Nature 466, 861-863 (2010)
    12. G. Zschaler, A. Traulsen and T. Gross
      A Homoclinic Route to Full Cooperation in Adaptive Social Networks
      New Journal of Physics 12, 093015 (2010) |
    13. A. Traulsen, J. M. Pacheco, L. Luzzatto and D. Dingli
      Somatic mutations and the hierarchy of hematopoiesis
      BioEssays 32, 1003-1008 (2010)
    14. P. M. Altrock, A. Traulsen, R. G. Reeves and F. A. Reed
      Using underdominance to bi-stably transform local populations.
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 267, 62-75 (2010)
    15. B. Wu, P. M. Altrock, L. Wang and A. Traulsen
      Universality of weak selection
      Physical Review E 82, 046106 (2010) |
  • 2009

    1. C. Eizaguirre, T. Lenz, A. Traulsen and M. Milinski
      Speciation accelerated and stabilized by pleiotropic major histocompatibility complex immunogenes.
      Ecology Letters 12, 5-12 (2009) |
    2. B. Woelfing, A. Traulsen, M. Milinski and T. Boehm
      Does intra-individual major histocompatibility complex diversity keep a golden mean?
      Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 364, 117-128 (2009) |
    3. P. M. Altrock and A. Traulsen
      Fixation times in evolutionary games under weak selection
      New Journal of Physics 11, 013012 (2009) |
    4. A. Traulsen, C. Hauert, H. De Silva, M. A. Nowak and K. Sigmund
      Exploration dynamics in evolutionary games
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 106, 709-712 (2009) |
    5. T. Antal, M. A. Nowak and A. Traulsen
      Strategy abundance in 2×2 games for arbitrary mutation rates
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 257, 340-344 (2009) |
    6. B. Woelfing and A. Traulsen
      Stochastic sampling of interaction partners versus deterministic payoff assignment.
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 257, 689-695 (2009) |
    7. D. Dingli, T. Antal, A. Traulsen and J. M. Pacheco
      Progenitor cell self-renewal and cyclic neutropenia
      Cell Proliferation 42, 330-338 (2009) |
    8. T. Antal, A. Traulsen, H. Ohtsuki, C. E. Tarnita and M. A. Nowak
      Mutation-selection equilibrium in games with multiple strategies.
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 258, 614-622 (2009) |
    9. C. S. Gokhale, Y. Iwasa, M. A. Nowak and A. Traulsen
      The pace of evolution across fitness valleys
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 259, 613-620 (2009) |
    10. J. M. Pacheco, A. Traulsen and D. Dingli
      The allometry of chronic myeloid leukemia
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 259, 635-640 (2009) |
    11. P. M. Altrock and A. Traulsen
      Deterministic evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations
      Physical Review E 80, 011909 (2009) |
    12. J. Poncela, J. Gomez-Gardenes, A. Traulsen and Y. Moreno
      Evolutionary game dynamics in a growing structured population
      New Journal of Physics 11, 083031 (2009) |
    13. A. Traulsen and C. Hauert
      Stochastic evolutionary game dynamics
      in Reviews of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, edited by Heinz Georg Schuster (2009)
    14. A. Traulsen, F. C. Santos and J. M. Pacheco
      Evolutionary Games in Self-organizing Populations
      in Adaptive Networks: Theory, Models and Applications, edited by Gross, T. and Sayama, H. (2009) |
    15. S. van Segebroeck, F. C. Santos, A. Traulsen, T. Lenaerts and J. M. Pacheco
      Evolution of cooperation in adaptive social networks
      in Handbook of Biological Networks, edited by Boccaletti, S. and Latora, V. and Moreno, Y. (2009)
  • 2008

    1. J. C. Claussen and A. Traulsen
      Cyclic Dominance and Biodiversity in Well-Mixed Populations
      Physical Review Letters 100, 058104 (2008) |
    2. J. M. Pacheco, A. Traulsen, H. Ohtsuki and M. A. Nowak
      Repeated games and direct reciprocity under active linking
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 250, 723-731 (2008) |
    3. D. Dingli, J. M. Pacheco and A. Traulsen
      Multiple mutant clones in blood rarely coexist.
      Physical Review E 77, 021915 (2008) |
    4. S. Jones, W. D. Chen, G. Parmigiani, F. Diehl, N. Beerenwinkel, T. Antal, A. Traulsen, M. A. Nowak, C. Siegel, V. E. Velculescu, K. W. Kinzler, B. Vogelstein, J. Willis and S. D. Markowitz
      Comparative lesion sequencing provides insights into tumor evolution.
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105, 4283-4288 (2008) |
    5. A. Traulsen
      Mechanisms for similarity based cooperation
      The European Physical Journal B 63, 363-371 (2008) |
    6. D. Dingli, A. Traulsen and J. M. Pacheco
      Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: origin, development, response to therapy, and relapse
      Clinical Leukemia 2, 133-139 (2008) |
    7. A. Traulsen, N. Shoresh and M. A. Nowak
      Analytical results for individual and group selection of any intensity.
      Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 70, 1410-1424 (2008) |
    8. T. Röhl, A. Traulsen, J. C. Claussen and H. G. Schuster
      Stochastic gain in finite populations
      Physical Review E 78, 026108 (2008) |
    9. D. Dingli, A. Traulsen and J. M. Pacheco
      Dynamics of haemopoiesis across mammals
      Proceedings of the Royal Society B 275, 2389-2392 (2008) |
    10. J. M. Pacheco, A. Traulsen and D. Dingli
      Cyclic neutropenia in mammals
      American Journal of Hematology 83, 920-921 (2008) |
    11. C. Hauert, A. Traulsen, H. Brandt, M. A. Nowak and K. Sigmund
      Public Goods with Punishment and Abstaining in Finite and Infinite Populations
      Biological Theory 3, 114-122 (2008) |
    12. J. C. Claussen and A. Traulsen
      Fluctuations in Coevolutionary Dynamics and Implications for Multi-Agent Models
      in Proc. Potentials of Complexity Science for Business, Government, and the Media, edited by Helbing, D. (2008)
  • 2007

    1. A. Traulsen, M. A. Nowak and J. M. Pacheco
      Stochastic payoff evaluation increases the temperature of selection
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 244, 349-357 (2007) |
    2. D. Dingli, A. Traulsen and J. M. Pacheco
      Stochastic Dynamics of Hematopoietic Tumor Stem Cells
      Cell Cycle 6, e2-e6 (2007) |
    3. A. Traulsen and M. A. Nowak
      Chromodynamics of cooperation in finite populations
      PLoS One 2, e270 (2007)
    4. D. Dingli, A. Traulsen and F. Michor
      (A)Symmetric Stem Cell Replication and Cancer
      PLoS Computational Biology 3, e53 (2007)
    5. D. Dingli, A. Traulsen and J. M. Pacheco
      Compartmental architecture and dynamics of hematopoiesis
      PLoS One 4, e345 (2007)
    6. A. Traulsen, J. M. Pacheco and M. A. Nowak
      Pairwise comparison and selection temperature in evolutionary game dynamics
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 246, 522-529 (2007) |
    7. G. Wild and A. Traulsen
      The different limits of weak selection and the evolutionary dynamics of finite populations
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 247, 382-390 (2007) |
    8. C. Hauert, A. Traulsen, H. Brandt, M. A. Nowak and K. Sigmund
      Via freedom to coercion: the emergence of costly punishment
      Science 316, 1905-1907 (2007) |
    9. T. Röhl, C. Röhl, H. G. Schuster and A. Traulsen
      Impact of fraud on the mean-field dynamics of cooperative social systems
      Physical Review E 76, 026114 (2007) |
    10. N. Beerenwinkel, T. Antal, D. Dingli, A. Traulsen, K. W. Kinzler, V. E. E. Velculescu, B. Vogelstein and M. A. Nowak
      Genetic progression and the waiting time to cancer.
      PLoS Computational Biology 3, e225 (2007)
    11. A. Traulsen, Y. Iwasa and M. A. Nowak
      The fastest evolutionary trajectory
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 249, 617-623 (2007) |
    12. A. Traulsen, J. M. Pacheco and D. Dingli
      On the origin of multiple mutant clones in paroxysmal nocturnal globinuria
      Stem Cells 25, 3081-3084 (2007) |
  • 2006

    1. A. Traulsen, J. C. Claussen and C. Hauert
      Coevolutionary dynamics in large, but finite populations
      Physical Review E 74, 011901 (2006) |
    2. A. Traulsen, M. A. Nowak and J. M. Pacheco
      Stochastic Dynamics of Invasion and Fixation
      Physical Review E 74, 011909 (2006) |
    3. A. Traulsen and M. A. Nowak
      Evolution of cooperation by multilevel selection
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103, 10952-10955 (2006) |
    4. A. Traulsen, J. M. Pacheco and L. A. Imhof
      Stochasticity and evolutionary stability
      Physical Review E 74, 021905 (2006) |
    5. J. M. Pacheco, A. Traulsen and M. A. Nowak
      Active linking in evolutionary games
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 243, 437-443 (2006) |
    6. J. M. Pacheco, A. Traulsen and M. A. Nowak
      Coevolution of Strategy and Structure in Complex Networks with Dynamical Linking
      Physical Review Letters 97, 258103 (2006) |
  • 2005

    1. J. C. Claussen and A. Traulsen
      Non-Gaussian fluctuations arising from finite populations: Exact results for the evolutionary Moran process.
      Physical Review E 71, 025101(R) (2005) |
    2. A. Traulsen, A. M. Sengupta and M. A. Nowak
      Stochastic evolutionary dynamics on two levels
      Journal of Theoretical Biology 235, 393-401 (2005) |
    3. A. Traulsen, J. C. Claussen and C. Hauert
      Coevolutionary dynamics: From finite to infinite populations
      Physical Review Letters 95, 238701 (2005) |
  • 2004

    1. A. Traulsen, K. Lippert and U. Behn
      Generation of spatiotemporal correlated noise in 1+1 dimensions.
      Physical Review E 69, 026116 (2004) |
    2. A. Traulsen, T. Röhl and H. G. Schuster
      Stochastic gain in population dynamics
      Physical Review Letters 93, 028701 (2004) |
    3. A. Traulsen and J. C. Claussen
      Similarity-based cooperation and spatial segregation.
      Physical Review E 70, 046128 (2004) |
  • 2003

    1. A. Traulsen and H. G. Schuster
      Minimal model for tag-based cooperation.
      Physical Review E 68, 046129 (2003) |